Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Never venture out into a startup without doing your research thoroughly!

I have attempted many startups in my past life without really considering putting together a proper business plan.

Now for this business that I currently have I actually surprised myself by attempting a business plan until my friend who is an accountant suggested I pay him to complete it and so did I.

Initially when I finally decided to venture out into this business I didn't really know that so many things would have to be done in the back end before even renting the shop space. Now you are probably wondering what type of startup I am currently going through with. I can tell ya. It is a food business. Restaurant. More like a fast food takeout restaurant.

Honestly, I thought it was as simple as putting a menu and plan together, gathering capital and renting a shop. Little did I know that restaurants require a whole lot more planning and back end work. For e.g., The equipment if you are going to go industrial, which you should, is very pricey. A measly drinks cooler (fridge) can cost as much as $1200US or more, which is just ludicrous to me and we are just talking about a drinks cooler. We haven't even touched ovens, etc.

So I got over the fact that the equipment is pricey. Fine. Now when I started looking for a shop space, I thought, ok, I have capital. This will be easy. Easy where? I have been looking for weeks and still haven't finalized on a space because little did I know restaurant spaces have to be passed by the Ministry of Health in regards to if the premises has an adequate sewer system, etc.

I was even running from the fact that I'd have to pay a hefty some for rent and apparently it looks as though I won't be able to escape high rental fees, because accommodations for restaurant space is just costly.

I think that I am in for one hell of a ride. Let's pray that it turns out into one heaven of a ride. I haven't even reached to the renovation stage, training, prepping the menu and recipe list. Not to mention staffing. Aye, aye, aye. This is going to be the time of my life.

Thankfully I know I serve a risen Saviour and He's in the world today. He will guide my steps and place all the necessities in my path. I believe.

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